Our APIs offer the following benefits:
The ACME API developer portal contains a wealth of information about our business ready APIs. Take some time familiarizing yourself with the portal before starting to build your apps.
Step 1: How to Use
Step 2: How to Go Live
Step 3: Authentication
Step 4: Error Handling
Step 5: Support
To use our API products, just create a Developer account.
Creating an account is quick and easy:
Want to be inspired and learn what you could build? Our available APIs are displayed on the API Products page. From here you can navigate to the underlying API Overview pages for details of a specific API. Next, go to the Documentation pages for technical information.
Once you have tested your application and related proposition(s) in our sandbox environment, you can submit a request to go live.
The authentication for this API is done on the basis of access token. To obtain an access token, you need to call our OAuth API. The authentication mechanism can vary per API depending on the required level of authentication.
These are the URLs for the endpoints to get the tokens.
Sandbox: https://auth-sandbox.connect.example.com
Production: https://auth.connect.example.com
Our APIs are secured using OAuth 2.0. This means you will need to pass an access token when making your request to the APIs. This page will explain how to obtain an access token. We use the following three flows for getting an access token: Client credentials, Authorization code flow and Refresh token.
If you want to go more in depth on some of the OAuth protocol, have a look at the OAuth RFC.
This section provides an overview of the Acme APIs error model.
All Acme APIs throw errors in following JSON format:
{ "errors": [ { "code": "ERROR_UNIQUE_CODE", "message": "ERROR_MESSAGE", "category" : "SHORT_DESCRIPTION/ERROR_CATEGORY", "reference" : "API_DOCUMENTATION_LINK", "status" : "HTTP_STATUS_CODE", "traceId" : "UUID" } ] }
Questions or problems? We are happy to help. Please check our FAQ page for the answers to frequently asked questions.
Encountering an unusual use case or implementation? Post in our developer Forum and leverage the experience of our community.
Inspired by success stories? Check out our Blog and catch up on the latest ways businesses have integrated our API products.
Can’t find the answer you need? Please contact us and we will get back to you as soon as possible.